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We are a graduate-student powered initiative. 

GRAD-MAP is led by a team of graduate students from the astronomy and physics department, with support from faculty and staff in both departments, as well as many volunteers (students, researchers, and faculty) from both departments and across the University of Maryland's campus. GRAD-MAP began in 2013, when graduate students worked to develop a program to change the status quo in physics and astronomy. 



AMY STEELE, Astronomy PhD Candidate
Team Lead

Amy studies circumstellar dust and gas around stars on and off the main sequence at multiple wavelengths, though she loves using the Submillimeter Array in Hawaii. Her advisor is John Debes at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.

JOHN COLLINI, Physics Graduate Student
MILENA CRNOGORCEVIC, Astronomy Graduate Student
Team Lead in training
REBBECA LEVY, Astronomy Graduate Student
PRADIP GATKINE, Astronomy Graduate Student
ZEEVE ROGOSZINSKI, Astronomy Graduate Student

Zeeve studies Solar System dynamics and evolution with a focus on the tilts of planets with his advisor, Professor Doug Hamilton. 

KYLE SHEPPARD, Astronomy Graduate Student

Kyle studies exoplanet atmospheres using Hubble's WFC3 instrument. Working with his advisors - Drake Deming and Avi Mandell - he aims to better understand the structure and composition of the atmospheres of Hot Jupiters.

SUVI GEZARI, Assistant Professor of Astronomy
ALBERTO BOLATTO, Professor of Astronomy
STUART VOGEL, Professor of Astronomy

GRAD-MAP Team Alumni

ASHLEE WILKINS, Bahcall Public Policy Fellow

Ashlee was part of the founding team of GRAD-MAP, and defended her PhD thesis in 2017. She studies the atmospheres of giant exoplanets, and is also now the Bahcall Public Policy Fellow for the American Astronomical Society (AAS), supporting the federal policy and advocacy activities for the astronomical science community.

KATIE JAMESON, Postdoctoral Reasearcher

Katie founded GRAD-MAP and defended her PhD in 2016. She studies star formation and molecular gas nearby galaxies using data from the satellites Herschel and Spitzer and from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) at Australian National University.

Dr. Sylvia Zhu
David Green
Dr. Paul Syers
Dr. Sonali Shukla
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